Love or above

in Welcome to my blog!
LOVE isn't all about romance. You do not have to be in a relationship or have someone in your life to be in LOVE. First and foremost, you have to be in LOVE with You! Yes, LOVE yourself unconditionally. Then take a moment to think of all the other things you LOVE. I love travel, a soft blanket, clean sheets, great slippers, fresh flowers, and the ocean just to name a few.

Realize that LOVE is all around you. The feeling of LOVE is actually a measurable vibration or frequency. Aspire to LOVE as your natural state of being! In the book Power vs Force by David Hawkins, it shows a Map of Consciousness that rates the various emotional states of being from 1 to 1,000 and LOVE calibrates at the vibration of 500. Fear vibrates at 100, Peace 600 and Enlightenment is the highest on the scale at 1000. Guilt's vibration is 30. The lowest is Shame at 20 and Anger is 150. So where are you vibrating on the consciousness scale?

I heard a great saying recently...."LOVE or above". Think of yourself as vibrating at 500 the speed of LOVE. Set out each day and find something you LOVE and focus on that feeling. Big or small, just find the thing that makes you connect to that vibration of LOVE!